3X Bundle Mix
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- Free Shipping For Orders Over $60
- In stock, ready to ship
- Inventory on the way
Build your bundle by selecting any three products from the drop-down boxes
Transit time is calculated after an order has shipped. Most orders are shipped between 1-3 business days. In peak periods, please allow up to 3-5 days for an order to be shipped. If item has been delivered and you have not received it, please contact USPS with your order information.
Transit time via USPS First Class Mail is 5-8 business days.
We are not responsible for any shipping & deliveries that may be affected by customs, natural Disaster, transfers from usps,ups,FedEx,dhl to the local carrier in your country,air and ground transportation strikes or delays, nor any extra fees, customs or back end charges once the package has exited the United States.
Packages undeliverable by USPS and/or their international shipping partners will be cancelled and refunded once received by us, there will be an additional shipping fee to resend the package if requested.
Kings Crowning only offer returns when the product is defective, or you have been sent a product other than what you ordered. Please refer to our refund section for more information.